
Civil 3d subscription
Civil 3d subscription

civil 3d subscription

I put out an email with these instructions to all users so they would see it first thing Monday morning. I disabled the FlexLM service on the server and we were both able to fire up C3D. *shrug* I had another user sign in via: Manage License… Change License Type… User ID… then username/pwd. I ran the tool as described (adsklicensingsupporttool.exe -r ALL:USER) and it did nothing, giving me the message “No products registered, no actions taken”. On Saturday I tried Option 1 from the instructions here. I did receive an email the day of our expiration with this in parenthesis: (Please note that you have 30 days to make the switch before your network license expires ) but I figured we might as well get it done now. At this point I knew our network license file was good for another month but did not see anything in writing that it would function after our contract expired which made me a little nervous. With a week to go I reminded all the users to be sure they know their new Autodesk password and that the switch would happen the following Monday morning. I tried to export to CSV from the Classic page but it did not import to the new page. All the users I had added before were found under “Classic User Management” and were not found in the new “User Management” page. About a week before our expiration date I went back on the Autodesk admin site to check things out. Everyone got notified of their new account and were prompted to create passwords. About two months ahead of time I added every user on the Autodesk site. Here is how I handled the switch-over from network license to named-user: Today was "switch-day" for us and here are some notes of how it went (so far):

Civil 3d subscription