Click the search icon in the top right corner of your Mac.To show your library folder in macOS versions below Mavericks do this: You can also drag your library folder to the left hand side to create a shortcut for future ease of access. Your library folder will now appear whenever you go to your home menu. On this menu select -> Show Library Folder From the top toolbar select View -> Show View Options.Go to your Home folder (usually named after you).To show the Library folder in Mavericks and above do this: Some options are much easier than others. There are 3 ways you can show your library folder. To show your Library folder, it's much easier than in previous versions of macOS. This is because it is hidden by default for security reasons. In some instances, you won't be able to find your library folder on your Mac.

Fix “Cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified” – Garageband.How To Open Audio Unit Instrument Plugins.Enable audio units checkbox in Garageband Drag your AU plugin to the “Components” folder How To Install Plugins in Garageband (TL DR).